What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files saved in the user's browser memory area. Their purpose is to store some data and retrieve it to a subsequent visit of the user.
Furthermore there are "third party" defined cookies, those cookies, which are saved while browsing the site, but which come from external sites. Some examples may be images or media in general, iframes, scripts, maps coming from sources other than the site itself.

Cookies are used for different purposes: saving login information, technical sessions, configurations, or preferences, such as colors, locations, dimensions. In general, everything that the site offers as a customizable element in addition to other varied uses.

What are technical cookies?

Technical cookies are required almost everywhere: they favor a proper navigation, return good data, or, in general, contribute to the good resolution of the user's request to the server.
Such cookies cannot be used for other reasons and are saved as an integral part of the structure at the opening of each site's page. In many cases such cookies are used to increase login security.

What are analytics cookies?

They are useful cookies for tracing user navigation on the site and to provide the owner with the statistics on navigation, involvement, geographic origin and, in general, to have a complete picture of how people interact with the site.

What are social cookies?

They are cookies used by social portals (such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, etc.) to provide their services on the site, such as the button "like", "+1", "PinIt!", or social sharing plugins.


Cookies are now used by 95% of websites, they are useful and thanks to them the navigation experience has improved and became much more user-friendly; They are not dangerous or trace personal information, on the contrary, they are busy storing some of the activity on the site, and then providing the same settings or preferences at later access.
They allow us to share, access restricted areas without re-entering access data each time, maintaining the technical structure of the operating site, and generally providing a data save directly to the user's computer.
You have the right to accept or reject them. In the second case, they will no longer be used by your next visit to the site, if you open it with the same browser on which you have denied your use.